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Writer's pictureSt James Dandenong

Sunday 10th December 2023 – Second Sunday of Advent


Isaiah 40:1-11 “Proclaim the Good News!”

What would be the best news you have ever received in your life? How did it make you feel? Have you ever received news so good that you have wanted to go and shout it from the roof top? Today’s reading from Isaiah is a key Old Testament passage that announces the amazing, unbelievably Good News of God’s rescue mission. It is the passage that the gospel writer Mark chooses to quote at the opening of his gospel as a prophecy pointing forward to describe the good news of the coming of the saviour, Jesus Christ.

Here is an outline of the message.

1. Good News for the captives: your time of suffering is over!

a. Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God (1)

b. Cry to her that she has served her term that her penalty is paid. (2)

c. This is a message for captive Israel and for all who are captive to sin.

2. Good News in the wilderness: Prepare the way! God is coming to rescue his people!

a. A voice cries out: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord!’ (3-5)

b. Proclaim the message “the word of our God will stand for ever” (6-8)

3. Good News in Jerusalem and all Judah - the captives are coming home!

a. Get you up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good tidings (9)

b. Say to the cities of Judah, ‘Here is your God!’ (9)

c. See, the Lord God comes with might, and reward is with him (10)

d. He will feed his flock like a shepherd (11)


If God coming to us in Jesus Christ to save us is such good news, why aren’t we shouting it from the Mountain Top?


TIS 245 We have a gospel to proclaim

A candle is burning (Away in a manger)

MP 1008 The Lord is my Shepherd (I will trust)

TIS 647 Comfort, comfort all my people

TIS 315 Mine eyes have seen the glory


Due to a number of parishioners dropping off our Morning Tea Roster, help is needed for the beginning of 2024. With the assistance of a couple of helpers all that is required is, set up prior to 10.00 am service, serving & provision of a small morning tea. If you are able to assist once a month on this roster it would be very much appreciated. Please contact Kaye Schendzielorz on 0490 090 507 or speak to me at church. Thank you.


Apart from our regular morning service, there will be a 7pm Carol Service with special participation from Jeremy and the choir as well as much congregational carol singing. Following the service please stay for short while and enjoy some Christmas delights from our mini Christmas Night Market. If you can help with the night market, please speak to Naomi.


Please place unwrapped Christmas presents for children under the Christmas tree. These will be given to the Andrews Centre to help with the hampers they provide for the many families in need in our local area. The generosity of our parishioners is always appreciated.


Today we will be sharing a video from our link missionary Zoe Creelman. Zoe writes “I last emailed in August to let you know I was taking some extended leave in Victoria. It’s been an important time of reflecting and being close to supports. It is now with a heavy heart that I write to let you know that I have decided to not return to the NT and will be finishing up with CMS at the end of January. I will be at the CMS Summer Under the Son conference in January for a public farewell to the Society. My plan is to remain in Ballarat with family and find some part-time work while I think through the future… Many thanks and may God bless you.”


Our annual Monday Meals Christmas lunch is on 11th December. As always we would be very grateful for any donations of chocolates, wrapped sweets, mince pies or snack foods like chips etc. There will be a box at the back of the church to place them in. Thank you. Ros Daniel.


“At the conclusion of todays’ service there will be a short service in the memorial garden for the interment of the remains of our dear sister Ingrid Curry. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family this day.”


17th DECEMBER: Isaiah 61:1-4, Psalm 126. 1-7, 17-19, 1 Thessalonians 5.12-28, John 1.6-8, 19-28


Sunday Dec 17th Carol Service at 7pm.

Sunday Dec 24th 9am morning Service (no 8 or 10 in the morning),

7pm Christmas Eve Family Service. 11pm Christmas Eve Service.

Monday Dec 25th 9am Christmas Day Service

Sunday 31st Dec 11pm Watch Night Service


15th December: Rusty

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