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Writer's pictureSt James Dandenong

Sunday 21 November 2021 – CHRIST THE KING

PARISH NEWS REFLECTION - Revelation 1:4-8 “Jesus the King”

When you look at the world around you, who do you think is in charge? If you had to name one person or organization that truly rules the world, who would you name? To the first century Christians scattered across Asia at the end of the first century, it looked like Caesar was the one who truly ruled the world. Christians have been taught that the true king of the world is Jesus Christ, yet everywhere they looked, they saw the Roman Standards and the emblem of the emperor. They wondered if Jesus really did rule the world. He had promised that he would return in glory and majesty and establish his eternal kingdom but the years were passing and peoples’ doubts about his kingship were growing. In the midst of persecution and suffering, God reached out to his people and gave a vision to the apostle John. In his vision, John is given a vivid glimpse into heaven’s throne room where he sees God and Jesus at his right hand and his vision confirms that the one who truly rules over all creation is Jesus. Today’s reading gives us a glimpse of the true identity of Jesus and of his ministry to us.

1. The Identity of Jesus our King:

a. Jesus - The Faithful Witness (5)

b. Jesus – The Firstborn of the Dead (5)

c. Jesus – The Ruler of the Kings of the Earth (5)

d. Jesus – The Alpha and the Omega, who is, who was and who is to come (8)

2. The Ministry of Jesus our King:

a. He loves us, and … has freed us from our sins (5)

b. He has made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and father (6)

c. He is coming with the clouds; every eye will see him (7)


TIS 145 The King of love my shepherd is For the cause of Christ the king

MP 367 Jesus is Lord

TIS 228 Crown him with many crowns.


Our Annual General Meeting will be held this Sunday, 21 November at 12 midday in the church. We encourage all fully vaccinated parishioners to attend in person.

The AGM will also be on Zoom for those unable to attend. Use the following to connect. Join Zoom Meeting: FaT2RPdz09

Meeting ID: 836 4249 0793.

Passcode: 304273

One tap mobile +61731853730 OR Dial by your location 03 7018 2005 Australia


Today, at the conclusion of the 10am service we will be interring the ashes of our dear brother Terry Baptist in the memorial garden. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gwen and the family.


The flowers in the church today have been given by Alan MacLean in loving memory of his wife Claire. Greatly missed by all her family and remembered with much love.


The press is announcing via leaks that the Government will today (Thursday) be announcing an easing of restrictions before Sunday. Please confirm this via your trusted news service after it is formally announced. We anticipate this will mean uncapped numbers of fully vaccinated worshippers in our services and probably the removal of the compulsory mask-wearing rule. Stay tuned. Services for people of undeclared vaccination status continue at 4pm in the church each Sunday.

WORKING BEE – Saturday, 4 December – 8 am-12noon

Yes, it is that time again – time to make our beautiful Church and grounds ready for the Christmas season. Please, please, please can you spare an hour or two on 4 December to make our Church look loved for the many visitors who attend our Christmas services. Remember the old saying – ‘Many hands make light work’.


We are organizing a Night Market for Saturday, 11 December. Watch out for more details. Speak to Naomi if you would like to help.


On Sunday 19 December we want to gather the church community together for an evening Picnic/Sausage sizzle on the front lawn followed by a simple Carol Service in the church. More details to follow. Keep the date free.


Anyone wishing to order a MU Diary please speak to Marlene Newell Large Diary $9.00 Small Diary $6.50. Payment when the Diaries come.


We pray for those who are sick or troubled in body or mind, or who have special needs: (Please email or contact clergy for prayers for anyone who is in need of them). This week we continue to pray for: Mike; Mark; Hazel; Clovis; Rose; Margaret; Rhonda; Tim. If you have placed a name in the Book for Prayers, please remove anyone who no longer needs them. Alternatively, email the office. We also pray for: The Church of Bangladesh; The Diocese of Melbourne; Stewardship Agencies; St James’ Pakenham; Anglican Parish of Banyule, 170 year Anniversary of St John’s Heidelberg; All Saints’ Ascot; St James’ Ivanhoe; Christ Church Newport; St Stephen’s Mt Waverley; Archbishop Philip and all our Bishops in their ministry this week. Also - St Edmunds Church, Barmera, South Australia as it celebrates its centenary this weekend (former Parish of parishioner Rev Allan Jones).


27 November: Samoan Congregation


FOR NEXT SUNDAY: 28 November, 1ST Sunday of Advent

Jeremiah 33:14-16; Psalm 25:1-10; 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-38

Account details for donations to the Building Fund

Account Name - St James Building Fund,

BSB–703 122,

Account Number - 05009897

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