PARISH NEWS REFLECTION – Ephesians 6 - “Our Daily Struggle”
Our reading from Ephesians 6 today reminds us of the battle that we are all engaged in as Christians. It is “not against blood and flesh”. Our enemies are not people. Our struggle is against the “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (12) Our enemy the Devil is always on the lookout for opportunities to weaken us in our faith and drive us away from God. The current pandemic with the resulting sickness, loneliness, isolation, disruption and disappointment provides great fuel for his schemes. It is too easy to be discouraged and depressed and to think that God doesn’t care and to drift away from your church family.
Let us put on the armour that God supplies and trust in the promises of God’s word, stand firm in the salvation he has secured for us, be assured of our righteous standing before him, cling to the truth of the gospel, protect ourselves with the shield of faith, and with the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, let us deflect every lie and accusation that the Devil sends our way.
And on top of all this, “Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication” (18). Our greatest weapon is prayer. Let us pray our way to victory over the Devil’s schemes. Let us pray for each other and rejoice in our salvation. Let us continue to phone each other and encourage each other even when we can’t physically be together. If you can, try to take a walk with a friend from church for your daily exercise. If you use Facebook, you may like to request to join our “Friends of St James Anglican Church, Dandenong” private group.
TIS 590 What a friend we have in Jesus
MP 639 The battle belongs to the Lord (Jamie Owens Collins)
TIS 687 God gives us a future
Today we welcome Nils Von Kalm from Anglican Overseas Aid who will be bringing us the message. We are treating this as a Mission Sunday but obviously, you can’t bring your mission boxes yet. Please hold on to them and bring them once the service resume.
Under our current lockdown restrictions, all activities in person are suspended except for the Monday community meal which is seen as an essential service. The office is closed and you are not allowed to come on-site without permission. Having said this, church life continues. The clergy are available to speak to on the phone, and please don’t hesitate to call! Bible studies continue via Zoom. Services continue to be recorded and made available for each Sunday morning (Thank you Deve and Naomi!). And we continue to pray for each other from our homes and to learn from God’s word.
Thank you to those who are either depositing into our bank account or dropping off your offerings at the vicarage.
Bank details are as follows:
Name: St James Anglican Church, Dandenong
BSB 703 122
Account No: 05004623
If you have a Stewardship envelope, please use your name and envelope number as a reference so that it can be applied to your stewardship giving. If you wish to make a donation to the Building Fund, those details are below.
We pray for those who are sick or troubled in body or mind, or who have special needs:
(Please email contact@stjamesdandenong.com or contact
clergy for prayers for anyone who is in need of them).
This week we continue to pray for: Bethuel; Russell; Melanie; Mike; Mark; Hazel; Clovis; Stephen; Shenae.
Could those who have placed names in the Book for Prayers please update it by removing anyone who is no longer in need of special prayers? Alternatively, you can email the office. Thank you.
We also pray for: The Anglican Church of South America; The Diocese of Riverina; Archdeaconry of Melbourne; All Saints’ Clayton; Ordination of Reverend Mark Tibben @ St Eanswythe’s, Altona; St James Ivanhoe; Archbishop Philip and all our Bishops in their ministry this week.
28 August: Samoan Congregation
4 September: Frank & Gary
READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY: 29 August – 14th Sunday after Pentecost Song of Songs 2.8-13; Psalm 45.1-2, 45.6-9; James 1.17-27; Mark 7.1-8, 7.14-23.
Account details for donations to the Building Fund
Account Name - St James Building Fund,
BSB–703 122,
Account Number - 05009897
Please email us if you you have any needs contact@stjamesdandenong.com