REFLECTION: 1 Samuel 3:1-20 The Call of a Prophet
Today’s reading from 1 Samuel takes us back to the calling of Samuel who would
be the last of the judges and the prophet who would crown Israel’s first kings. We
will be following these reading from 1st and 2nd Samuel for the next few weeks as
we see the emergence of Israel’s greatest King, King David, and we will begin to
see the importance that David has in salvation history. But for today, we begin with
the calling of the young boy Samuel. Samuel’s calling teaches us of the importance
of listening for the Lord’s voice, receiving the message even when it is difficult,
and knowing how to faithfully pass on that message.
Here is an outline.
1. Hearing God’s voice, even when He seems to be silent (1-10)
a. The word of the Lord was rare in those days (1)
b. Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord (6-7)
c. Eli said to Samuel, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening’ (10)
2. Receiving God’s message, even when you don’t like it (11-14)
a. I am going to do something to Israel because of their terrible iniquity (11,14)
b. I will fulfil against Eli all that I have spoken concerning his house (12-13)
3. Passing on God’s message, even when it is costly (15-20)
a. Eli said: “May God do so to you and more also, if you hide anything from me of
all that he told you” (17)
b. The Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground (19)
c. And all Israel... knew that Samuel was a trustworthy prophet of the Lord (20)
To think About:
What active steps am I taking to be able to listen to the voice of the Lord?
TIS 595 O Jesus I have promised
O God, you search me and you know me (Farrel)
TIS 538 Feed us now, bread of life
TIS 547 Be thou my vision
St James’ wine glasses, bottle holders, placemats, and books will again be available
at the back of the church. We are clearing stocks of this merchandise that was
ordered 10 years ago for the 150 celebrations.
As a memento of this celebration, a very smart red is for sale at $2.00 each
during morning tea. Please purchase one, two or more with money going towards
the Building Fund.
MEMORIAL FLOWERS Have been donated in loving memory of Iona De Klerk
by her family. Forever in our hearts.
Will begin this Sunday after church from 12miday until 1pm. Archbishop Philp
Freier will be confirming people and receiving new members at our special 160th
Anniversary Patronal Festival at 10am on the 28th of July. Candidates wishing to
be confirmed into the membership of the church will need to attend services in this
period and complete the Youth Alpha course. Please register your interest with the
We are hoping the main church carpark will soon be available. The contractors are
waiting on essential components to arrive in order to complete the new sewage and
stormwater connections. In the meantime, there is parking out on the grass at the
back of the church and behind the vicarage as well as on the street. Please don’t
block other people in and be considerate of others.
As we begin works on the new building, we put out the call for all of us to
prayerfully consider how we can help with this project which will be of great
benefit to our church and to future generations. We are still needing to raise a
considerable amount. The building fund account is listed at the end of the Pew
READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 9th June: Third Sunday after Pentecost
1 Samuel 8.4-11(12-15); Psalm 138; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5.1; Mark 3:20-35
LAWN MOWING ROSTER: 8th June – Rusty
Anthony, Nisha, Mike, Cecil, Ruth, Eva, Charles, Nigel, Jen, Ted, Sylvia, Lila,
Arthur, Fay, Natasha, Betty, Rosalind, Patty, Melenny, Shereen, & Lorraine.