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Writer's pictureSt James Dandenong

Sunday 1st September 2024 – Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost


It is my pleasure to be with you leading services over this fortnight.  I remember all of your past vicars back to Rodney Oliver (who was an examining chaplain when I was ordained),  I knew some of them very well.  My wife and I bumped into your current vicar Graeme, with Jane, last year when then and we were caravanning through the North of Western Australia, and one of your recent curates (Jeremy Watson) is vicar where we have belonged for the first two and a half years of our retirement.  This year I have been Acting Vicar is numbers of parishes, and have found this so rewarding that in 10 days time I am going to return to being a permanent vicar, albeit only half time, at Black Rock.  I will be half time a vicar, and half time retired, so more that fully busy!

The lectionary for the five Sunday from today takes us though consecutive passages in the Epistle of James.  Graeme plans to preach on these passages as they are read upon his return, so I will do the same over my two Sundays with you.  James is rather different from other Epistles, and bears some similarity to the wisdom books of the Old Testament.  It is a practical book, which deals with practical issues within the early church.  Some have seen a tension between some things found in this letter and Paul’s insistence on the primacy of faith over works.  I don’t see this, and find in James’ writing a correction to a misunderstanding of what Paul taught.  In most matters of Christian doctrine emphasis is needed to teach clearly at a given point in time, but emphasis can lead to imbalance, which itself then needs to be corrected by a complementary emphasis.  Christian truth is sometime neither simple nor clearcut.  There is much in the things we profess as Christians that is mysterious and wonderfully rich.  And what we do matters as much as what we believe, though both are critically important.



TIS 143  Immortal, Invisible, God only wise.             

TIS 629 When I needed a neighbour were  

TIS 658  I the Lord of sea and sky

TIS 217 Love divine, all loves excelling.     


SOUP SOUP SOUP! your last chance to get a delicious hot cup of soup and      

roll today. Still only $5.


Please remember to pray regularly for all Missions and missionaries throughout our country and overseas.  There are publications in the porch from a number of Mission organisations, so please feel free to take and learn more of the wonderful work being undertaken everywhere.



This week our building committee took our project before the Diocesan Property Committee and we were cleared to advance to the construction phase.  A builder has been chosen but we are still fine tuning the contracts and some adjustments to the final price.This is a great step forward which should allow us to begin construction this year.  We will be giving more detail over the coming weeks once details are finalised.



Graeme and Jane will be taking two weeks annual leave from this Tuesday August 27th until the 9th of September.  The Rev. Dr. David Powys will be acting as the locum but he will just be working on Wednesdays and Sundays for the services and responding to urgent needs such as funerals.  For all other enquiries, speak to the wardens or to George or Oyem. In case of emergency, David’s number is 0402273339. 



Would you like to grow in your faith?  Why not consider coming along on    Wednesday nights.  Together we read the bible and learn from each other. Different people lead the studies.  Marien is leading us at the moment. We share some light refreshments and finish at 9pm with prayer.  Each Wednesday night in the Supper room at 7:30pm.



LAWN MOWING ROSTER: 7th September – Oyem and Rob


READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 8th Sept: Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Proverbs 22:1-2, 22:8-9, 22:22-23; Psalm 125; James 2:1-10; 2:14-17; Mark 7:24-37;


Anthony, Nisha, Mike, Cecil, Ruth, Eva, Charles, Nigel, Jen, Ted, Sylvia, Fay, Natasha, Betty, Rosalind, Patty, Melenny, Shereen, Lorraine, Rebecca, Ken, Jim, Kanthi, Monty & Amy

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