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Writer's pictureSt James Dandenong

Sunday 26 September 2021 – Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

PARISH NEWS REFLECTION – Mark 9:38-50 - “Stumbling”

We all know the dangers of stumbling or falling. We do our best to avoid falls in our daily life. In today’s passage, Jesus warns us of the danger of stumbling, both to ourselves as we stumble and to others as we can also cause them to stumble.

He teaches us to put aside or to cut off the source of whatever things are a stumbling block to us. These things could be idolatry, materialism, envy, pride, stubbornness. The idea is that we continue to walk forward firmly in our faith without falling by the wayside.

1. What does it mean to stumble?

a. It can mean to fall into unbelief.

b. It can mean to fall into idolatry.

c. It can mean to fall into sin.

d. It certainly means falling away from God.

2. Don’t cause others to stumble!

a. Especially “these little ones—those who believe in me” (42) b. It would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea

3. Don’t let yourself stumble!

a. It is better to enter the kingdom of God maimed than to go into hell (43-48) b. Cut off whatever causes you to stumble.

c. Be living sacrifices (salted with fire) (49-50)

To Think About:

In what way could you have been stumbling to others in their Christian walk?


TIS 573 A charge to keep I have

O how good it is

TIS 547 Be thou my vision


According to the Roadmap announced by the Premier last Sunday, Services are now scheduled to return on the 7 November, all things going well. Under advice from the Diocese and following the Government regulations, we will be offering services for up to 55 people (our limit based on the 4sqm rule) for doubly vaccinated people, and a smaller service of 20 people of vaccination status unknown. While we regret having to make such distinctions, it is the only way we can return safely to services with reasonable attendances. We will be advising service times closer to November. In the meantime, we continue to record weekly services and to make them available to you via our Website.


Final reminder for ordering Calendars ($13) and/or Lectionaries ($15) for 2022. Please send your order by 30 September via email to and include your phone number for making distribution arrangements. Alternatively, orders may be left at the vicarage. Payment will be due on delivery.


The good news is that people are now permitted to come one at a time to the church to do gardening and lawn mowing. You will need to let Graeme know if you are doing this as he needs to issue you a permit. For those on the lawn mowing roster, please try to stagger your visit so that there is only one person mowing at a time.


During the lockdown, parishioners wishing to read the minutes of Parish Council meetings can request a soft copy from Parish Secretary, Nicole Tanner at

FROM THE ARCHIVES - 13 September 1998 Consecration of St Michaels and St Luke’s:

This afternoon at 3pm, the new Church of St Michael’s and St Luke’s in Heatherton Road, Dandenong will be concentrated by our Archbishop, the Most Rev. Keith Rayner. All Welcome. Well Done: Our congratulations to Win Dunlop, Moira Cullinan, Jean Kavanagh and Edith Wisewould. All received an Anglicare Gold badge for long service to Anglicare (formerly Mission to Streets and Lanes). Win has given over 41 years of outstanding service to this Mission.


Bank details are as follows for your weekly offering:

Name: St James Anglican Church, Dandenong

BSB 703 122

Account No: 05004623

Please use your name & envelope number as a reference if you have stewardship envelopes.


We pray for those who are sick or troubled in body or mind, or who have special needs:

(Please email or contact clergy for prayers for anyone who is in need of them).

This week we continue to pray for: Bethuel; Russell; Melanie; Mike; Mark; Hazel; Clovis; Shenae.

Could those who have placed names in the Book for Prayers please update it by removing anyone who is no longer in need of special prayers. Alternatively, you can email the office. Thank you.

We also pray for: The Episcopal Church of USA; The Diocese of Tasmania; St

James’ Anglican Church Glen Iris; 50th Anniversary Ordination of Reverend Noel

Whale; Redemption Church Craigieburn; Confirmations @ St Matthew’s

Endeavour Hills and Berwick Anglican Church; Archbishop Philip and all our

Bishops in their ministry this week.


2 October: Oyem & Rob

9 October: Rusty & Tyrone

READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY: 3 October, 19th Sunday after Pentecost

Job 1.1; 2.1-10; Psalm 26; Hebrews 1.1-4; 2.5-12; Mark 10.2-16.

Account details for donations to the Building Fund

Account Name - St James Building Fund,

BSB–703 122,

Account Number - 05009897

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