Caring for God's people - Matthew 18:10-20
Do you care for God’s people? Do you care for your brothers and sisters in Christ?
Really? Even for those who sinned against you and hurt you deeply? God cares so
much for his people, even for sinners like me, that he doesn’t want them to perish
but to have eternal life. Do you care for God’s people as God cares for them? In
the context of our Gospel passage this morning, Peter has just revealed Jesus’s
identity as Messiah and Son of the living God and Jesus has just revealed Peter’s
identity as rock of the church (16:13-20).
The church, which isn't a building but a people/community/kingdom, will be built
upon Christ himself, the head of his body (Colossians 1:18). But how can we be
part of this body? By changing and becoming little children depending on their
heavenly Father: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little
children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (18:3) But how should we
live once we’re part of the kingdom? By reflecting God’s character and caring for
one another just like God cares for us. So how to care for God's people? First of
all, if a sheep goes astray, we should go and look for it (v. 12-14). Secondly, if a
brother or a sister sins against us, we should go and point out their fault (v. 15-20).

MP 33 And Can it be
MP 265 I cannot tell
MP 275 I heard the voice of Jesus say
TIS 547 Be thou my vision
DISCIPLESHIP EXPLORED started last Wednesday and will last for the next
seven weeks?
The tradition of remembering loved ones who are with God by
donating money for memorial flowers is a great one! Over the
years the expenses have gone up and there is now a minimum
donation of $100 for fresh flowers to be arranged in the big display
at the pulpit. If there are any special requests for type of flowers, colour etc. this
may incur additional costs depending on availability and season. Please note we
need 2 weeks’ notice and payment to be made when requesting this service.
Contact Naomi 0449179115
The flower arrangement in Church today has been donated by the Diedricks
family, in memory of Earl Gordon Diedricks, who sadly passed away on 9th
September 2014. Lovingly remembered by his parents Ashton and Josie, his
children Brittany and Chelsea, his sister Irmasher, his brother Dane, his brother
Chester, Chester's wife Jenny and their children Dean and Angelina, as well as
extended relatives in South Africa, Australia, Malta and the USA.
There will be a special morning tea in the hall after the 10am service when we
will say thank you and au revoir to Ian. Parishioners are asked to bring a plate of
food to share.
Is Victoria’s annual evangelical conference to be held at Syndal Baptist Church,
588 High Street Road, Glen Waverley from 6.00 pm Thursday, 18th to Saturday,
20th January, 2024. Get your early bird tickets now and learn from God’s word,
connect across cultures and join community as we pray for a World That Knows
Our next lunch will be on September 20th 12noon at the Dandenong Club
Heatherton Rd. All parishioners are welcome. Please write your name on the list
in the porch or contact Doreen 0439 795 386 or Margo 0419 888 426
Anglican Church Calendars are available again for $15, the same price as last
year. Please order by email to and include your phone
number for making distribution arrangements. Alternatively, orders can be made
through the parish office. Payment will be due on delivery of the Calendar
during November.
2024 LECTIONARY - $16
Lectionaries for next year will be available, setting out readings for all services
each day. They are a valuable resource in preparation for weekly worship and
private daily use. Please send your order by email to and
include your phone number for making distribution arrangements. Alternatively,
orders can be made through the parish office. Payment will be due on receipt of
the Lectionary during November.
8th September Heinz & Vic
15th September Oyem & Rob
This week we continue to pray for
Mike; Mark; Clovis; Rose; Eva; Cecil; Stanley; Nigel; Russell, Kevin; Joanne, Eve, Lynette, Danny, Esme, Michael, Charles, Edward, Tyrone, Gwen, Sylvia, Dr Nathan, Joan & Beryl.