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Sunday 5th May 2024 – Sixth Sunday of Easter

Writer's picture: St James DandenongSt James Dandenong

REFLECTION: Acts 10. The Holy Spirit comes to the Gentiles.

When we get to heaven, I think we might be surprised by some of the people we see there. In our minds we judge, perhaps self-consciously even, who God should allow in heaven.

Will there be any gangsters there? Will any prostitutes make it to heaven?

What about Russian soldiers: will any Russian soldiers make it to heaven?

There will be many surprises on that day as people from every tribe and tongue gather before the throne of God. In the time of the apostles, they sincerely believed that salvation was for the Jews and that the gentiles from every other nation would not be acceptable to God. It took some real work of the Holy Spirit to change this attitude. We see the beginning of this as the Holy Spirit leads Peter to a new understanding of the global reach of the gospel. Here is an outline:

1. God calls Cornelius (1-8)

a. There was a man named Cornelius, a centurion of the Italian Cohort - a gentile (1)

b. A devout man who feared God… gave alms generously to the people and prayed constantly to God (2)

c. He had a vision in which he clearly saw an angel of God (3)

2. God prepares Peter for the new phase of their mission (9-33)

a. The vision of unclean foods (9-16)

b. The men sent by Cornelius come to Peter (17-23)

c. A household waiting to hear the gospel (24-33)

3. The gospel goes to the gentiles (34-48)

a. I truly understand that God shows no partiality (34-43)

b. The gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles (44-46)

c. Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have? (47-48)

To think about:

Are their ideas that we hold to about who can or cannot be saved that the Holy Spirit needs to change?


TIS 491  Father welcomes all his children

               O church arise

TIS 459  In Christ there is no east           

MP 178  Go forth and tell


Our Mother’s Day High Tea will be held on Saturday May 11th at 2:30pm.  Tickets are in high demand and cost just $25 for a fabulous

afternoon of fine food and entertainment.  Margaret Orr will be singing and Jeremy will be playing.  See Margo for tickets. 



We have now locked in and confirmed the date for the Archbishops visit as the 28th of July, our Patronal Festival. During the service, there will be confirmations and reception of members so if you know people who wish to be confirmed, please speak to the Vicar. To be confirmed, the candidates should be old enough to understand and decide for themselves that they wish to follow Jesus. In May, we will be offering a preparation course.



The Wednesday Study will be starting a new series this week based on readings from John’s Gospel. Martin and Anna will be leading this series. Bring your bible and come along for 7:30 pm in the Supper Room.



We need to make space in our storage sheds to store valuable items during the building program which will be starting shortly.  We plan to have a big sale of all sorts of items that have been donated for Fair’s over the years that are stored in our sheds.  This sale will be held on Saturday May 25th in the Parish Centre.  If you have personal items in the sheds that shouldn’t be there, please retrieve them before we sell them.



Parish Council and key ministry leaders will be participating in a planning retreat on Saturday May 18th to work through some of the Leading Your Church into Growth material and to prayerfully see what we can do to better prepare our church for growth.



Please remember in your prayers all missionary workers in Australia and overseas who have answered God’s call to meet the challenge of working in outback and remote areas of the globe.


As a memento of this celebration, a very smart red   is for sale at $2.00 each during morning tea.  Please purchase one, two or more with money going towards the Building Fund.



There is a box of wool in the porch to be used for beanies. Please take any amount you require for knitting them. Many thanks to the St James’ family who donated the wool and also to those who have already given beanies - great effort. 



Graeme, George and Oyem will be at the Jumbunna Ministry Conference which is compulsory for clergy from this Sunday night until Tuesday evening.  Please pray that the conference will be stimulating and refreshing for our clergy team.



With the demolition of the Parish centre coming up, we need to remove any plants around the centre. There are bulbs and rose bushes available to anyone who wants them.


READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 12th May: 7th Sunday after Easter

Acts 1:15-17,21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-31; John 17:6-19

LAWN MOWING ROSTER: 11th May – Rusty

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Address:53 Langhorne Street, Dandenong VIC  3175 | Phone: 03 9793 0219 | Email:
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