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Writer's pictureSt James Dandenong

Sunday 15th December 2024 – Third Sunday in Advent

Updated: Dec 24, 2024

REFLECTION: Luke 3:7-18 “Bear fruits worthy of repentance”

How can you know if someone truly has changed and if they are truly repentant for what

they have done? I would say that actions speak louder than words, and I would also say

that what they do in private is much more telling about their repentance than the show

they put on for everyone else. God sees all. Would you be able to prove to God by your

actions that you have truly repented? What evidence would you have to show for the

genuineness of your repentance? In today’s reading from Luke 3, John the Baptist calls

for people to truly repent and he tells them what true repentance will look like in their

lives even as he warns them of the imminent danger for all will not truly repent. Here is

an outline.

1. Who will escape the coming judgement?

a. Some thought they would escape judgement being descendants of Abraham (7-8)

b. Jesus warns: Even now the axe is lying at the root of the trees (9)

c. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire (9)

2. What then, should we do?

a. Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none (11)

b. Whoever has food must do likewise (11)

c. Tax Collectors: Collect no more than the amount prescribed for you (13)

d. Soldiers: Do not extort money from anyone and be satisfied with your wages (14)

3. Jesus will bring both salvation and judgement

a. The people were questioning... whether John might be the Messiah (15)

b. John said: Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire (16)

c. His winnowing-fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing-floor (17)

To Think About

What fruit is your life producing for God’s kingdom?


TIS 161 Tell out my soul

We are a people of hope

All glory be to Christ

TIS 231 At the name of Jesus

TIS 276 There’s a light upon the mountain


Thank you to everyone from St James who contributed to our Monday Meals Christmas luncheon. Thank you for making the hall space available, for your prayers, financial support and for your food contributions. And, although the words are inadequate, thank you to the Monday Meals team who worked tirelessly to make the day memorable for our guests. The number of dishes washed and dried was a feat in itself. Here is a photo from the wonderful Deve and Naomi of some of our happy crowd. Great is your faithfulness, O God our Father.


These can now be collected from Michael Willis.


Next Sunday we will be baptizing Aidan Weidermann in the 10am service


Christmas is a great time of year to invite friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours

to a special church service. There are flyers in the foyer for you to take and give to



We thought it would be nice to serve some light refreshments at the conclusion of the

Carol Service on the 22nd of December. If you would like to contribute some

Home-made Christmas fare to share, please let Margo know.


This year Christmas day is on a Wednesday. There will be no 10am normal Wed.

Service, just the special 9am Christmas Day service. New Year’s Day is also a

Wednesday. There will be no service on New Year’s Day but there will be an

11pm Watch Night Service on New Year’s Eve.


Please note. Due to work in the carpark, access to the bathrooms will not be available

from the carpark door until next week. Entrance will only be via the Parish Hall. We

do apologise for this. If you have mobility issues, you may prefer to make other

arrangements for this Sunday. We do apologise for this inconvenience.


Next Sunday night, Dec 22 nd, we will have a traditional Carol’s service with lots of carol

singing, items from the choir and organist, and a short message. This is not a

communion Service. It will be followed by a light Christmas supper. The service will

go for about 75 minutes. On Christmas Eve we will have a 7pm family service with

communion. At 11pm will be the Christmas Eucharist. On Christmas Day, we will

have a 9am Eucharist.


If you know someone wanting to be confirmed, Bishop Paul Barker will be with us on

May 11th (Mother’s Day) and there will be confirmations in that service. Graeme will

be starting some confirmation preparation in March next year. More details to follow

READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 22nd Dec: Micah 5. 2-5a;

Psalm -Song of Mary; Hebrews 10.5-10; Luke 1.39-45 (46-55)

LAWN MOWING ROSTER: 21st Dec – Heinz & Vic

THIS WEEK WE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Sojourners Church, Werribee;

The Diocese of Adelaide; Archdeaconry of The Yarra; The Anglican Church of

Tanzania; Sojourners Church Werribee–Pastoral service; St John’s Healesville –

Pastoral service; St Paul’s Yarra Glen–Community Carols; Christ Church Essendon –

Pastoral service; St John’s Blackburn–confirmation service; St Alfred’s Blackburn

North–Confirmation Service; St Mary’s Sunbury–Baptism, Confirmation and

Reception service; Archbishop Philip and all our Bishops in their ministry this week.

THIS WEEK WE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Anthony, Nisha, Mike, Cecil, Ruth,

Eva, Charles, Nigel, Jen, Ted, Sylvia, Fay, Natasha, Patty, Melenny, Shereen, Lorraine,

Rebecca, Ken, Jim, Monty, Noel & Ashleigh

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