REFLECTION: John 1:29-42 Come and See!
How do people come to faith? Coming to faith is clearly a work of God. God calls people to himself through the work of the Holy Spirit, yet he does his very often through human agents. We see it time and time again in the scriptures.
Today, in these few short verses, we see how John the Baptist sent his disciples after Jesus to follow him. We then see how Andrew brought his brother Simon to Jesus. Each of these people was invited by another to “come and see” and to discover Jesus for themselves.
We see how the church grows through this and we are given a model to follow of how we share the hope we have in Jesus with others around us.
Here is an outline of this morning’s message:
1.John’s Testimony about Jesus
a. Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! (29) b. I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him (32) c. And I myself have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God.’ (34)
2. John the Baptist tells Andrew to follow Jesus:
a. John points his followers to Jesus! (35)
b. Jesus invites them to “Come and see” (39)
3. Andrew tells his brother Simon.
a. We have found the Messiah (40-41)
b. He brought Simon to Jesus (42)
To think about:
Who is it that God might be calling you to talk to about your faith in Jesus and the hope that you have in him? Ask God to show you.

TIS 589 Jesus calls us o’er the tumult.
For the cause of Christ, the king
TIS 658 I the Lord of sea and Sky (Here I am Lord)
TIS 178 Go forth and tell.

The flowers in church today have been given in
loving memory of Keith Scott by his wife Rose and family.
Always in our hearts and remembered with much love.
Back by popular request. Please join us at the Dandenong Club on Jan.18th at 12 noon, for good food and conversation. Love to see you there. List in porch for names or contact Doreen 0439795386 or Margo 0419888426
Don’t forget Summer Under the son (SUTS) starts this Thursday Jan 19 th . SUTS is CMS Victoria’s annual cross-cultural missions’ conference. There will be Bible teaching, singing, workshops, missionary seminars, and wonderful opportunities to connect with other Christians. It’ll be held at Syndal Baptist, 588 High Street Road Glen Waverley, starting Thursday evening and running morning through to evening Friday and Saturday! You can register upon arrival. There is a registration fee.
We are urgently waiting on Planning Approval from the City of Greater Dandenong where there have been excessive delays and many broken promises on giving us this approval. Please pray for the approval to come through this month.
We are still trying to secure a part time curate for this year to be available for our Parish, or for the Lord to bless our finances so that we can again afford a full-time Curate. Rising costs, and a drop-off in rentals have put us in this situation. Giving has improved slightly but not enough to offset the rising costs.
Mike; Mark; Clovis; Rose; Rhonda; Muznah; Eva; Cecil; Graeme; Stanley; Nigel; Russell; Josie, Kevin; Joanne, Eve, Margaret, Lynette, Danny, Esme, Henry, Michael, Milton, Sylvia, Charles, Edward, Tyrone & Babu.