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Writer's pictureSt James Dandenong

Sunday 15th September 2024 – Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost


James 2:18-26 “How can we be put right with God? Is it by Faith or by

Actions?” What is it that can put us right with God? There are lots of different

ideas around on how we can find peace and harmony with the universe and

with God. Most fall into the area of things that we can do that might

accumulate merit for us and so earn us the thumbs-up. Because this approach

depends on how many “good works” we might do in the hope of saving

ourselves from punishment on the day of judgement, we might call this way

“Salvation by works”. The alternative is to receive salvation as a gift from

God. In the gospel, we receive God’s gift as an act of grace and we receive it

by faith, by believing in Jesus Christ. This conversation has been going on for

centuries. Are we saved by the good works we do, or by the grace of God,

through faith in Jesus? Some are so firm on salvation by faith that they despise

good works and avoid them, lest they be accused of seeking salvation by

works. In today’s reading, James argues that we are saved by grace, through

faith, but this saving faith will manifest itself in works that are pleasing to

God. Here is an outline.

1. Can our Faith alone save us?

a. By my works I will show you my faith (18).

b. Faith without actions is dead (26)

c. Just believing in God is not enough – even the demons believe (19)

2. Can our Actions (or good works) alone save us?

a. “Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of

the law” Romans 3:20

b. “Because by the works of the law no one will be justified” Galatians 2:16.

3. Faith and Actions must work together.

a. How was Abraham put right with God? (21)

b. It was because of his faith that God accepted him as righteous. (23)

c. But his faith was made perfect through his actions (22)

d. We are saved by grace... through faith... to do good works.

(Ephesians 2: 8-10)

To Think About:

When people look at your life and wonder if you are a Christian, would there

be enough evidence, or good works to convince people of your faith in Jesus

Christ? Could you, like James, show your faith by your works? James 2:18.


TIS 134 Praise my soul the king of heaven

MP 996 Jesus God’s righteousness revealed

MP 473 My hope is built on nothing less

MP 1151 Amazing Grace (My chains are gone)

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THIS WEEK WE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Anthony, Nisha, Mike, Cecil, Ruth, Eva, Charles, Nigel, Jen, Ted, Sylvia, Fay, Natasha, Betty, Rosalind, Patty, Melenny, Shereen, Lorraine, Rebecca, Ken, Jim, Kanthi, Monty & Amy

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