No condemnation! (Romans 8:1-4)
I don’t know if you’ve noticed but, just like in chapter 5, our passage today
begins with a “therefore”. The question is, what is this “therefore” there for?
I think this is the climax of the book of Romans – we’ve basically reached
the top of the summit we’ve been climbing for seven chapters. So far, we’ve
seen that we’ve been justified through faith in Christ and that we have
therefore peace with God through him (we’re reconciled with God), which
is a positive affirmation. Today, we’re going to see that there’s no
condemnation for those who are in Christ (its negative counterpart). But
how is that possible and for what purpose?
That’s what we're going to see briefly this morning:
-A liberation (v. 2): If there’s no condemnation for those who are in Christ,
it’s because they’ve been set free from sin and death.
-A substitution (v. 3): If there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ,
it's because Christ was condemned in their place.
-A new direction (v. 4): Believers have been set free by their substitute to live
in a new way, which is the way of the Spirit.
Question to think about: Which way are you living and is Jesus your Lord
and Saviour or is he just your Saviour?

MP 301 Guide me O thou great Jehovah
TIS 457 The church’s one foundation
MP 272 I have decided to follow Jesus
MP 708 To God be the glory
In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis writes: "Everyone says forgiveness is a
lovely idea, until they have someone to forgive." He's right! The question of
forgiveness is actually very complex. Not only is forgiveness difficult to
define but it's also hard to put into practice, especially when the person who
has wronged us doesn't acknowledge their faults or is no longer there to do
so. And are we always called to forgive unconditionally anyway? In Mark
11:25, Jesus says that we should but in Luke 17:3, he seems to say the
opposite: "and if there is repentance, you must forgive." What are we
supposed to think (and do)?
In our Growth Group this term, we're about to start a series of interactive
sessions on forgiveness including a roadmap to forgiveness to help us
understand what forgiveness is all about and put it into practice in a biblical
way. Feel free to join us! We'll meet on Wednesday (7:30-9pm) in the
fellowship room from the 28th of June.
We will be celebrating our Patronal Festival next Sunday followed by our
International lunch, after the 10am service in the Church Hall.
Cost $5 per person
Team Leaders
Asian Naomi and Dave
Sri Lankan Joyce and Dev
Sudanese Oyem
Indian Rose
Australian Keith
British Jenny
Mauritian Nicole
Sth African Lorraine
South Indian Manjul
Italian Julia
Please note, you can decorate your table on Saturday 22nd
between 6pm and 8pm OR after 8am on Sunday.
Please only Bluetac to be used.
If you have any queries, please speak to Margo on 0419888426
Our next lunch is on Wednesday July 19 at 12 noon Dandenong Club.
Please add your name to the list in the porch or contact Doreen 0439795386
23rd July – 8th Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 28.10-19a; Psalm 139.1-11, 23-24; Romans 8.12-25; Matthew
13.24-30, (31-33), 36-43
14th July Heinz & Vic
21st July Oyem & Rob
This week we continue to pray for
Mike; Mark; Clovis; Rose; Eva; Cecil; Stanley; Nigel; Russell; Josie, Kevin; Joanne, Eve, Lynette, Danny, Esme, Michael, Charles, Edward, Tyrone, Gwen, Sylvia & Dr Nathan