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Sunday 19th February 2023 – Last Sunday after Epiphany

REFLECTION: Matthew 17:1-9 “The Transfiguration”

One of the movies tipped to clean up in the Oscars this year is “Everything, everywhere all at once” described as “a big-hearted, action adventure, sci-fi comedy.” I haven’t seen it yet, but I want to. It involves a multiverse of realities, time travel, and basically limitless possibilities with regards to when and where you might appear. It is quite a fantasy and it sounds like a complete novelty, but I wonder if the inspiration for it didn’t come from

today’s reading of The Transfiguration.

In the transfiguration, we see the past, the present and the future blurring together with Jesus, now in a glorified future form, talking with Moses who died 1500 years earlier, and with Elijah who went direct to heaven 800 years earlier. Even the spheres of heaven and earth coincide with a bright cloud of the presence of God descending over them and the voice of God speaking from that cloud.

There is an aspect of “everything, everywhere, all at once” happening as Jesus’ encounter on the mountain top transcends time and space. Here is an outline of this morning’s message.

1. The fulfilment of the prophecies of the past.

a. The coming of the prophet like Moses whom they must listen to

b. The coming of the Messiah and the Servant.

c. The coming of the new Moses and the new Exodus.

2. Confirmation and encouragement in the present

a. Mountain tops and thundering voices.

b. Glory and Mystery.

c. But also confusion and fear.

3. The hope of glory for the future.

a. The hope of Resurrection

b. The hope of Eternal Life with God

To Think About:

What does the transfiguration teach you about Jesus?


TIS 143 Immortal, invisible, God only wise.

MP 465 Meekness and majesty

TIS 256 From heaven you came (Servant King)

TIS 228 Crown him with many crowns


This mission Sunday we will be hearing from Martin Peters and Daniel Cameron who served on Scripture Union Summer Mission teams in taking the gospel to holidaymakers. There will also be a short update on our CMS link missionary, Zoe Creelman. Some copies of Zoe’s latest newsletter will be available in the foyer.


On Shrove Tuesday, Feb 21st, there will be the usual pancake dinner in the Parish Centre at 6pm. The evening is free of charge. Pancakes will be supplied. People planning to

attend are urged to sign the attendance sheet in the foyer

and to indicate what pancake toppings they will bring, sweet, or savoury.


Feb 22nd. There will be special Ash Wednesday services at 10am and at 7pm in the church on Ash Wednesday.


Youth group will be resuming on Sunday Feb 26th. Martin, Daniel and Tats will be leading the youth ministry this year and they have some great activities planned for high school aged youth. Stay tuned.


Graeme will be leading some Bible Studies at the church starting from Wednesday 1st of March at 7:30pm. We will be looking at the Sunday gospel readings.


COVID is still with us, but nevertheless we are returning this Sunday to the use of the common cup. We will continue to give the option of individual cups and of grape juice. At communion, as the server with the cup approaches you, raise your hands to the cup if you wish to drink from it. A second server will follow with a tray of individual cups, including some with grape juice. If you are at all unwell, please use do not drink from the common cup.


26th Feb – First Sunday in Lent

Genesis 2.15-17; 3.1-7, Psalm 32, Romans 5.12-21, Matthew 4.1-11


We pray for those who are sick or troubled in body or mind, or who

have special needs: (Please email or

contact clergy for prayers for anyone who is in need of them).


Mike; Mark; Rose; Eva; Cecil; Stanley; Nigel; Russell; Josie, Kevin; Joanne, Eve, Margaret, Lynette, Danny, Esme, Henry, Michael, Milton, Sylvia, Charles, Edward & Tyrone.

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