REFLECTION: John 9. Believe and See!
Would you say that you are prejudiced? We don’t like to think of ourselves
as being prejudiced. To be prejudiced strictly speaking is to pre-judge a
situation before having a good look at it.
The Pharisees were famous for being prejudiced and closed-minded. They
let their theology and their own experiences colour too strongly their
conclusions about all sorts of matters. When they looked at Jesus, they saw
a sabbath-breaking troublemaker. They refused to see him for who he really
was. They were blind to the truth.
Do you let your prejudices blind you to what God is wanting to show you?
Here is an outline of today’s message.
1. Jesus and physical blindness
a. Neither this man nor his parents sinned (1-2).
b. He was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him (3)
c. All the man could say was “One thing I do know, that though I was blind,
now I see”(25)
2. The Spiritual Blindness that stops us from seeing Jesus.
a. The pharisees could not see past their own spiritual blindness. They said
“This man
is not from God, for he does not observe the sabbath (16)
b. In their stubbornness they insisted: “We know that this man is a sinner”
c. The Jews did not believe that he had been born blind (18)
3. Jesus came that we might believe and see.
a. I came into this world for judgement so that those who do not see may
see, (39)
b. ... and those who do see may become blind
To Think About:
Have you ever let reason, or logic, or unbelief limit your vision of what God
can do for you or for others?
TIS 134 Praise my soul the king of heaven
TIS 685 The Power of your love
TIS 584 Just as I am
TIS 210 O for a thousand tongues to sing
Graeme is leading some Lenten Bible Studies in the Parish Centre on
Wednesdays at 7:30pm looking at the Sunday gospel readings.
Please plan to come to Jonathan’s ordination as Priest on Saturday March
25th at 2pm. This important service will be led by Bishop Paul Barker and
will be followed by afternoon tea.
Today is mothering Sunday and we are grateful to the ladies of Mothers
Union for the Simnel cake they have prepared for us.
This year we will be returning to our full Easter program of
Maundy Thursday lamb dinner in the hall.
Good Friday 10 am service “Objects of the Cross” and 12 midday 3 hour
devotional service.
Easter Sunday: 8am and 10 am Easter Sunday services.
A memorial service for our dear brother Sudhir Sukumar is being organized for the afternoon of Saturday 15th of April at 2pm, here at St James. More details to follow shortly.
St. James' Garden Party is on today, Sunday 19th March. Refreshments will
begin on the front lawn following the 10am service (aprox. 11:30am) and
lunch will be served around 12 noon. We will be sharing a 3 course lunch
together, starting in our beautiful garden and concluding in the Hall. Please
stay for a great lunch and a chance to get to know each other better. It
doesn’t matter if you haven’t registered. Donations will be gratefully
Hazel Tongi. Our prayers are with the Tongi and Landsman families today
as we inter the ashes of our dear sister Hazel Tongi in the memorial garden
following the 10am service.
26th Mar – Fifth Sunday in Lent
Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45
Mike; Mark; Clovis; Rose; Rhonda; Eva; Cecil; Stanley; Nigel; Russell; Josie, Kevin; Joanne, Eve, Margaret, Lynette, Danny, Esme, Henry, Michael, Milton, Sylvia, Charles, Edward,
Tyrone, Jean, Sylvia & Renee.