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Writer's pictureSt James Dandenong

Sunday 26th March 2023 – Fifth Sunday in Lent

REFLECTION: John 11:1-45 “I am the resurrection and the life”

The raising of Lazarus is one of the most well-known passages of the New

Testament. It is full of so many details and is quite intricate, yet it is also

brutally powerful as a dead man entombed for four days is raised to life and

walks out wrapped in grave clothes. It’s no wonder that more people

believed in Jesus because of this miracle than any other that he

did prior to his own resurrection.

In this passage, Jesus tells us ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who

believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and

believes in me will never die’. He then challenges each of us personally

with the question: “Do you believe this?”

Here is an outline of this morning’s message.

1. What we call death, Jesus calls sleep! (1-16)

a. Lord, he whom you love is ill (3)

b. This illness does not lead to death; rather it is for God’s glory, (4)

c. Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going there to awaken him

2. Jesus claims he is the resurrection and the life (17-36)

a. Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died (21)

b. I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me... will live

c. Jesus began to weep. So the Jews said, ‘See how he loved him!’ (35-36)

3. Do you believe this? (37-45)

a. So that they may believe that you sent me (42)

b. Lazarus, come out! (43)

c. Many of the Jews, therefore, believed in him (45)

To Think About:

Do you believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life?


TIS 28 God is our strength and refuge.

Jesus strong and kind.

MP 361 Jesus is Lord

TIS 569 Guide me, O thou great redeemer


Graeme & Jonathan are leading some Lenten Bible Studies in the Parish

Centre on Wednesdays at 7:30pm looking at the Sunday gospel readings.


It is Palm Sunday next Sunday. Be sure to attend. There will also be a 6pm service.


You are warmly invited to attend the Festival Choral Eucharist for The

Mothers’ Union for Lady Day on Sunday 26 March at 4pm. Bishop Kate Prowd will preach, and the Dean will preside. All welcome! For further information, contact the Precentor, Heather Patacca:


On Maundy Thursday we gather in the Parish Hall for a lamb Dinner,

reminiscent of the Passover meal the disciples shared with Jesus on that

night. We have a devotional and sing some hymns. Then we prepare the

church for Good Friday by stripping the Altar. If you can come, please add

your name to the list in the foyer.


On Good Friday, there will be a one hour “Objects of the Cross” service at

10am in the morning followed by hot cross buns. From 12 till 3pm there

will be a special 3 hour devotional serviced in the church. Folk are

encouraged to come for the full 3 hours but come for what you are able to

manage. This will including readings from the passion narrative, hymns,

and times of quiet reflection.


A memorial service for our dear brother Sudhir Sukumar is being organized

for the afternoon of Saturday 15th of April at 2pm, here at St James. More

details to follow shortly.


Nomination Forms are now available in the foyer for the position of Synod Representatives. The Parish is required to elect 2 Synod Reps and 1 supplementary for the coming 3 year cycle of Synod. If you are willing, please submit a signed form to the Vicar.


2nd April– Sixth Sunday in Lent

Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-18; Philippians 2:5-11; Matthew 26:14–27.66


Mike; Mark; Clovis; Rose; Rhonda; Eva; Cecil; Stanley; Nigel; Russell; Josie, Kevin; Joanne, Eve, Margaret, Lynette, Danny, Esme, Henry, Michael, Milton, Sylvia, Charles, Edward,

Tyrone, Jean, Sylvia & Renee.

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