PARISH NEWS REFLECTION – Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-10
“Jesus - God’s exalted Son”
Have you ever had second thoughts about your Christian Faith?
Do you sometimes second guess your decision to follow Jesus?
Has following Jesus lived up to your expectations?
The letter to the Hebrews is directed to Christians of a Jewish or Hebrew background who had turned from their Old Testament Jewish faith to Christ but were now at risk of drifting back into Judaism, their old religion. Their old friends back in Judaism were trying to persuade them to come back to the Temple and to their roots. They tried to discredit Jesus. They claimed that Jesus was weak, that he wasn’t the Messiah, that he wasn’t God’s Son, that he was unable to do what he claimed.
Hebrews shows us who Jesus really is, the exalted Son of God.
1. Hebrews- it’s all about Jesus
a. His role – Why did he come?
b. His identity - Is he truly God’s son?
c. His relevance – Can he know our pains & our problems? d. His sufficiency - Can he save us?
2. Jesus is the exalted Son of God (1:1-4)
a. God’s true son (1-3)
b. The Creator, Sustainer & Heir of all things (2-3)
c. Our great High Priest, now seated at God’s right hand (3-4) 3. Jesus is our brother (2:5-10)
a. Humbled to become like us (5-8)
b. He tasted death for us to bring many children to glory (10) c. He is not ashamed to call us His brothers and sisters (11-12)
To Think About:
Is this the Jesus you know, or do you need a bigger vision of the majesty and glory of Jesus?
MP 465 Meekness and majesty
MP 1072 In Christ alone
TIS 228 Crown him with many crowns
Daylight Saving begins this Sunday, so remember to put your clocks FORWARD one hour before going to bed on Saturday night.
According to the Roadmap announced by the Premier, Services are now scheduled to return on 7 November, all things going well. Under advice from the Diocese and following the Government regulations, we will be offering services for up to 55 people (our limit based on the 4sqm rule) for doubly vaccinated people, and a smaller service of 20 people of vaccination status unknown. While we regret having to make such distinctions, it is the only way we can return safely to services with reasonable attendances. Service times will be advised closer to November. In the meantime, we continue to record weekly services and to make them available to you via our Website.
To help vaccinate the many vulnerable people who attend the Monday Meal Program at St James, a Monash Health mobile clinic will be at St James next Monday 4 Oct at 11am to administer COVID vaccinations. As there will be capacity for more than just the folk from the Monday Meal, folk from the congregation are also welcome to be vaccinated. You do need to book through Graeme and do so ASAP as he needs to give the numbers to the clinic on Friday 1 October.
People are now permitted to come one at a time to the church to do gardening and lawn mowing. You will need to let Graeme know if you are doing this as he needs to issue you a permit. For those on the lawn mowing roster, please try to stagger your visit so that there is only one person mowing at a time.
Bank details are as follows for your weekly offering:
Name: St James Anglican Church, Dandenong
BSB 703 122
Account No: 05004623
Please use your name & envelope number as a reference if you have stewardship envelopes.
We pray for those who are sick or troubled in body or mind,
or who have special needs: (Please email or contact clergy for prayers for anyone who is in need of them). This week we continue to pray for: Bethuel; Russell; Melanie; Mike; Mark; Hazel; Clovis; Shenae; Jan.
Could those who have placed names in the Book for Prayers please update it by removing anyone who is no longer in need of special prayers? Alternatively, you can email the office. Thank you.
We also pray for: The Church in Wales; Mission Agencies of the Anglican Church of Australia; Diocesan Property Committee; Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hastings; Christ Church Brunswick; Oakleigh Anglican Parish of Holy Trinity and Emmanuel Church; Archbishop Philip and all our Bishops in their ministry this week.
9 October: Rusty & Tyrone
16 October: Frank & Gary
READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY: 10 October, 20th Sunday after Pentecost Job 23.1-9, 23.16-17; Psalm 22.1-15; Hebrews 4.12-16; Mark 10.17-31.
Account details for donations to the Building Fund
Account Name - St James Building Fund,
BSB–703 122,
Account Number - 05009897