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Sunday 9th July 2023 – Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

Writer's picture: St James DandenongSt James Dandenong

Updated: Jul 15, 2023


“I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do

the very thing I hate.” Says the Apostle Paul. And we all say “Amen” to

that! Paul seems to be saying here that there were things in his life with

which he struggled, As we strive to do what is right, by God, in our lives, to

lead godly lives, there are times when we get exasperated by our failure to

do so. It seems that if Christ knows our weaknesses, then equally so does

our adversary the Devil. It would be easy to become despondent and give up

trying to do good. Our passage from Romans today gives us insight into

overcoming “sin, the world and the Devil”


TIS 592 Stand up Stand up

MP 281 I lift my eyes

MP 396 Just as I am

TIS 613 Lord of all hopefulness


Please be advised that our Vicar, Graeme, is on Long Service Leave from June 13th until September 18th. Rev. Ian Oates will be the part time Locum in his absence working

with our Curate Jonathan and associate priests George and Oyem.


In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis writes: "Everyone says forgiveness is a

lovely idea, until they have someone to forgive." He's right! The question of

forgiveness is actually very complex. Not only is forgiveness difficult to

define but it's also hard to put into practice, especially when the person who

has wronged us doesn't acknowledge their faults or is no longer there to do

so. And are we always called to forgive unconditionally anyway? In Mark

11:25, Jesus says that we should but in Luke 17:3, he seems to say the

opposite: "and if there is repentance, you must forgive." What are we

supposed to think (and do)?

In our Growth Group this term, we're about to start a series of interactive

sessions on forgiveness including a roadmap to forgiveness to help us

understand what forgiveness is all about and put it into practice in a biblical

way. Feel free to join us! We'll meet on Wednesday (7:30-9pm) in the

fellowship room from the 28th of June.


Our next lunch is on Wednesday July 19 at 12 noon Dandenong Club. 14

people enjoyed a special time of fellowship last month and we hope more

parishioners will be with us next time. Please add your name to the list in

the porch or contact Doreen 0439795386


Please remember and keep in your prayers all Missions, but particularly

today ‘The Mission to Seafarers’. Chaplains and staff provide practical,

emotional & spiritual support to seafarers of all nationalities & faiths

through ship visits, drop in centres and The Flying Angel club, where

seafarers can contact family & receive counselling, often after spending

months at sea


Jam & Watermelon preserve sale after 10am service, $4 each


We will be having our usual International Lunch after the 10am service on

July 23rd. Some parishioners will be asked to organise food to represent

their country and we also hope that tables will be decorated. Please keep this

date free as we want everyone to participate in what is always a special day.

The following people are organising the food for our International Lunch.

Please contact them if you would like to help with the cooking.

Asian Naomi and Dave

Sri Lankan Joyce and Dev

Sudanese Oyem

Indian Rose

Australian Keith

British Jenny

Mauritian Nicole

Sth African Lorraine


16th July – 7th Sunday after Pentecost

Genesis 25.19-34; Psalm 19.105-112; Romans 8.111; Matthew 13.1-9, (10-

17), 18-23


7th July – Oyem & Rob

This week we continue to pray for

Mike; Mark; Clovis; Rose; Eva; Cecil; Stanley; Nigel; Russell; Josie, Kevin; Joanne, Eve, Lynette, Danny, Esme, Michael, Charles, Edward, Tyrone, Gwen, Sylvia & Dr Nathan

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